Project Description
Delivered using Moodle, this distance learning course is a good example of a rapid e-learning workflow. With content delivered in the form of a single 120 slide PowerPoint presentation, my expertise as an instructional designer and multimedia developer allowed me to prepare this course for delivery within just a few weeks.
After chunking the materials into more meaningful and manageable units of learning I templated the content into a format suitable for web delivery on both browsers and mobile devices.
Copyright cleared images are used to make the materials more appealing and a self-assessment engine was employed to embed interactivity and self-tests to help students check on their progress. This principle of promoting active student participation and encouraging learning through activity and practice is one of my key design principles.
Finally, a well designed Moodle course page uses progress tracking to enable users to more effectively manage their learning. The default look of King's College's Moodle can be little dry and unappealing and I put a lot of effort into customising the default theme, adding functionality to meet the needs of the students.
I've included below a presentation I gave to fellow TEL developers on my instructional design strategies. The iCare Instructional Design Model
Software used: Adobe Dreamweaver / Photoshop.
Project Details
- Client: Department of Pharmacology.
- Status: Completed Feb 2016
- Themes: instructional design, interactivity, web design
- Team: Jerome Di Pietro