I'm Jerome Di Pietro I make Games and VR Content Web and Graphics App Development Films Motion Graphics E-Learning Design Music Production

I'm a digital content creator.

designer / developer/creative

A talented multi-disciplinary designer and developer, I am currently focusing my energies on creating virtual reality experiences both for exploratory fun and in the field of healthcare research. Central to my work at Kings College London's Psychology VRLab is a focus on virtual humans and social interactions within immersive spaces. We create VR experiences for the assessment and treatment of patients with a variety of mental health issues, from eating disorders to anxiety and psychosis, as well as supporting children with autism, ADHD and other behavioural difficulties.

I’m experienced in game and app development, graphic design, audio and video production, 3D visualisation, motion graphics and have a proven record of delivering and releasing award winning applications.

As a generalist, my technical skills range across diverse technologies from web (HTML/CSS, JavaScript, PHP/MySQL) to multi-platform app development using Unity and Unreal (AR/VR, 2D and 3D games). Along the way, other tools and software stacks have come and gone, including PhoneGap, the Corona SDK, and AnimateCC/Flash/Air. It's been a lifelong learning journey that keeps getting more interesting every day.

Career timeline

what i Do.

Software tools

From Unity to Blender, Motion Builder and Character Creator, via Photoshop and Premiere, these are simply creative tools to get my work done.

Multi-plaform Development

Platform agnostic and future proof. Responsive design and progressive enhancements mitigating barriers to access.

Multimedia Innovation

Originally trained as a sound engineer, I've never stopped exploring the potential of different media to communicate ideas.

Instructional Design

With a background in elearning content creation and course design, I've learned to create engaging and effective technology-enhanced learning.

Examples of my work

  • all
  • webdesign
  • development
  • e-learning
  • vr

References and a skills sheet are available on request.

Other Projects


One of my most succesful personal projects, this fast-paced immersive first-person shooter has had more than 100k downloads on the Google Play Store and is regularly commended as one of the very best games for Cardboard VR.

Designing For Distance Learning

The content examples are getting a bit old now, but the guidance on designing for distance learning is still valid and distills a lot of my ideas on how to translate face-to-face teaching to an online mode of delivery.

Baroquedub Archive

Looking for my mixtapes or the renowned Reggae midi files? The old site's still online in archive form. As well as older examples of my work, you'll find all of the BaroqueDub netlabel releases.

send me a message.