LEGUMES (7 of 7)
Hospitality and Catering

Peas should be crisp and firm with a plump shape.

Peas are usually purchased frozen.
Peas are used extensively on the menu as a hot vegetable dish, as a garnish for soups and main dishes.
Young peas are called petit pois and are small and used in salads and soups.
Preparation & Cooking Methods

Boil or steam for a few minutes or until tender. Serve hot with butter and/or sugar.

peas dish * Petits pois - young peas * Petits pois à la francaise - French style
* Petits pois à la flamande - Flemish style * Petits pois au beurre - with butter
* Petits pois au sucre - with sugar * Petits pois au menthe - with mint
* Petit pois à la Française - peas French style
Types Broad bean French bean Runner bean Mangetout Kenya bean Peas