Hospitality and Catering
CAPSICUM capsicum - peppers

Capsicum are also known as: green, red, yellow or orange peppers.
Originating from South America they should have a crisp flesh.
The colour is attractive and adds to the overall presentation and flavour of any dish using pepper as an ingredient.

Preparation Methods
Wash a dry thoroughly, remove the stem and seeds, rinse. Halve lengthways or leave whole for stuffing.
Peppers can be sliced, diced, chopped or whole.
roasted pepper salad Cooking Methods
Peppers can be cooked as part of a casserole or other savoury dishes or used also to enhance salads and hors d'oeuvres, soups sauces and hot and cold dishes.
stuffed peppers

* Piment grillées - grilled peppers

* Piment farci - stuffed peppers
Types Tomatoes Marrow Avocado Aubergine
Cucumber Courgette Capsicum Sweetcorn Okra