Surgical Skills Training 360° Video

Project Description

Shot on a Gear360 camera this footage gives medical students the best seat in the house, allowing them to watch and review clinical skills sessions which they usually only attend once or twice during their training.

Positioned at the surgeons' eye level, the sense of immersion is palpable. Inspired by research into embodied cognition which strongly supports the positive effects of virtual reality integrated training, the footage is best watched with a VR headset (GearVR or Google Cardboard). However, the application has also been designed to function on tablets and desktop computers, mititgating the problem of access to a still relatively new technology.

Software used: Unity, WebGL, Action Director.

Project Details
  • Client: School of Medical Education.
  • Status: Completed March 2017
  • Themes: virtual reality, video, clinical skills
  • Team: Jerome Di Pietro