In Progress (Personal Game Projects)

Project Description

One of the hardest things in game development is to actually finish and release a game. That initial period of excitement soon gives way to the long hard grind of optimisation, bug fixing and polish. As a consequence, in addition to the other projects in this portoflio, I also have a number of unfinished games kicking around. Some eventually get finished while others just get forgotten about.

Currently on that list is a VR Sci-fi FPS - the sequel to my mobile VR-FPS. Initially intended for mobile (probably most likely GearVR rather than Cardboard) I've since bought a Rift and the wonderful and sadly now discontinued VRTK has allowed me to consider deploying it across to desktop VR platforms too. It's an open world adventure shooter which I wanted to build in order to take VR-FPS beyond a simple arcade shooter. Unlocking a series of levels through simple quests you work your way through a simple narrative set on a space station.

In a similar vein, a VR RPG may eventually see the light of day but as I worked on it I realised that I needed to learn a lot more about game design, and specifically RPG mechanics and the expectations of a player. Having enrolled on the Udemy RPG Core Combat Creator - Unity 2017 Compatible In C# course (another Ben Tristam course I would highly recommend) I then got side-tracked into making more of a Desktop RPG which has allowed me to have more fun with high resolution models and graphics. This then led on to Pirate Cove which is nearing completion and now deserves a page of its own in this portfolio.

Software used: Unity, Blender, Photoshop, Illustrator, Adobe Audition.

Project Details
  • Client: Personal projects.
  • Status: On-going / On-hold
  • Themes: Unity, game dev, vr, mobile development
  • Team: Jerome Di Pietro