Hospitality and Catering
fresh fish Historically, fish has been a cheaper alternative to meat, but due to over-fishing of world fish stocks fish can be more expensive. As a result, care in purchasing and storage needs to be taken.
Fresh fish is purchased daily in most catering businesses, and the businesses rely on the quality of such a purchase.
Only purchase in line with the needs of the business. Fresh fish may be purchased every other day, but prolonged storage will affect the flavour and quality of the fish.
You should purchase fish from reputable suppliers and always return any fish that smells off or causes doubt as to its freshness and quality.
Ordering fish requires the chef to work out the number of fish fillets or whole fish required. ordered fish
When catering for a banquet or dinner always order a few extra fish in case of an accident or problem.
When ordering fillets, check that an equal number of white and black or dark fillets are delivered (white fillets tend to have slightly more flesh).
General Quality Points Storage Weights Ordering