Hospitality and Catering
fillets You can pay higher prices for fillets and prepared cuts such as supreme, tronçon or darne cuts.
Check the weight trim for whole cleaned and uncleaned fish such as salmon, bass or large trout.
Work out in detail the amount of fish required on or off the bone, trimmed and untrimmed or the specific size you want individual plaice to be.
The competent chef will use more than one supplier: it is important to shop around on a regular basis to ensure suppliers are aware you want the best fish at the best price with the best quality of freshness.
Problems unfit fish
If persistent problems occur or a discrepancy is noticed, always alert your chef or manager to deal with the problem.
Do not purchase from individuals at the back door or from anyone selling fish who is not a bone-fide supplier.
Fish can be poached, stolen or unfit for sale: never take the risk - ignorance is no defence in court !
General Quality Points Storage Weights Ordering