You have the potential
to render many people seriously ill
if you neglect sound food hygiene skills
when preparing meat, poultry or offal.
If you neglect to wash
your hands between each task, or
you handle the fridge or chill room
door without washing your hands
then bacteria can be transfered
often innocently.
Kitchen temperatures
generally are ideal conditions for
the growth of harmful bacteria.
Minimise the
risk of contamination
The main reasons
for keeping preparation areas and equipment
hygienic when preparing meat, poultry
and offal prior to cooking is to minimise
Minimise the risk
of contamination by poor handling skills
and minimise the risk of cross-contamination,
transfering bacteria from one uncooked
meat product to another.
Our industry
does have a good record for high standards
when compared to some other countries
but this does not mean we must be complacent.
We can develop even higher levels of
food hygiene practice.