GRILLING (2 of 5)
Hospitality and Catering
grilled fish Preparation
Whole small fish must be gutted, have their fins trimmed or cut away using fish scissors and eyes removed.
Check the fish are clean and well drained before preparing for grilling.
Fish cuts are dipped into seasoned flour and brushed with oil (or clarified butter) before being placed on a greased baking tray.
St Germain Style Fish
One exception to the basic preparation technique for grilling fish is fish grilled in the St. Germain style, where the fish is coated with seasoned flour and butter and dipped into white breadcrumbs.
The fish is dressed for shape using a palette knife and placed onto a tray ready for grillling.
Before the fish is grilled, it is dripped with melted clarified butter to prevent the crumbs drying up or burning.
General Points Preparation Methods Techniques Garnishing