Hospitality and Catering
Fish in many catering establishments comes ready skinned, portioned and trimmed. Sinning flat or round fish fillets
Where craft skills operate and chefs skin their own fish, then the techniques of skinning fish need to be learnt.
Experience and practice will ensure you know how to skin fish efficiently and effectively to remove only the skin and not flesh.
Skinning Flat fish and Round fish filets Dover Sole
* Take a firm hold of the fillet at the tail end * Grip the tail with a firm grip
* Cut the flesh close to the tail keeping the fish knife parallel to the work surface * Cut and scrape the skin to lift a small flap of the skin
* Gripping the tail skin firmly cut moving the knife from side to side, removing the skin from the fish flesh * Pull the skin gripping it with a cloth from the tail to the head pulling carefully to remove the skin and not the skin and flesh. Remove both the dark and light skin from the sole
(NB: Get a chef to demonstrate this technique to you).
Trimming Washing Descaling&Gutting Skinning Fillets Portioning & Cuts Coating