Flash - Streaming Media
As maligned as it is loved, flash can deliver both the best and the worst of the net. As with all web technologies it all comes down to knowing what it's best at, what it can do for and when to break the rules...
In the right hands Macromedia Flash delivers rich, immersive multimedia experiences which go beyond information-based html websites. It's always been a great cross-browser, platform independent solution and recent developments in its handling of video as well as database connectivity have made it indispensible for certain projects:
Groove Corporation
Designed and built for the UK-based groups G-Corp / Overproof Sound System [Different Drummer] this promotional flash website features a music player optimised to deliver streaming audio over slow 56K dial-up connections.
Rather than being built in one monolithic movie the site is modular and easily updated by the band itself. Each section loads as required providing a responsive 'on-demand' experince for users - and as this is all primarily to promote the band's work the music never stops playing!
Fader5000 Website
Designed and built for Nigel Clark's fader5000 project, and commissioned by HuncaMunca Music Productions Ltd, this promotional website dates from 2000. In those distant days before broadband in every home, the idea of building a flash-only multimedia experience might have seemed to some to be fool-hardy - yet it worked! Even on a 56k dial-up connection visitors could enjoy non-stop streaming audio, watch videos, even create their own music with online loop remixing machines.
Designed almost as a portal, the site contained information and music not just from Nigel's own band but included micro-sites for a number of friends, artists and colaborators - even a theatrical design company! As the site said: "THIS IS A NEW CHANNEL IN THE GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK". It felt as if the future of broadcasting had arrived.
Now archived for posterity this website feels as fresh and as innovative as it did at the dawn of the new millenium. Enjoy.
[visit archived website] Note that email addresses and some other external links are no longer valid.
KGa Press and Marketing website demo
Developed as part of a web-design consultancy project for KGa press and marketing this demonstration site was created to enable the client to visualise the potential of a database driven flash website. The navigation is non-linear and enables a user to explore the company's services through an immersive mind-mapping model.
E-Learning Materials
can play an important role in enriching the teaching and learning
experience. The use of demonstration videos for tuition is a particularly good use of streaming technology and is especially useful for revision purposes. Tutors only have to carry
out the demonstration in front of their students once while the
students benefit from being able to revisit the materials at any time.
Immersive flash environments are also helpful in engaging students by referencing the visual style of computer games - bringing to life stubject matter through the use of animations and interactive case studies.