a cow
Hospitality and Catering
Combination cookery involves a number of cookery methods. Steaming is used with a convection oven, the oven or unit can be used conventionally as a roasting oven, roasting convector or with the injection of low pressure steam a combination oven. Image showing a timer and a combination oven
Many different makes of combination oven are available. These ovens are also likely to be computerised so that the chef can pre-select the cooking temperature, steaming periods, convection periods and for the oven to hold the food items once cooked. A probe can also be inserted into the food to ensure the internal temperature is achieved.
combination oven Shrinkage of meat in particular improves the profitability of a joint such as sirloin of beef which is an expensive cut to purchase. Any savings by using this type of cookery is a useful benefit to both the chef and employer.
Combination ovens are fairly costly and many more caterers are opting for this type of unit. More hotel and restaurant kitchen operations when needing to replace a traditional oven will opt for a combination cooker.